Christoph chris at
Sat Dec 13 21:26:39 UTC 2008

On Thursday 06 November 2008 06:44:46 Emil Sedgh wrote:
> Hi
> even if we get the data, that would be completely outdated by now, but
> commit-digest has a more up-to-date about asking Danny
> for help?
I wrote him a Mail. No reply yet.

But I started investigating what would be the best way to store the data and
enter new data. There are basically two ways:
1: A simple csv-File. Would be very easy for anybody with an svn-account to 
enter oneself. But not very portable.
2: KML. The fileformat google-earth uses. Its XML and not very nice to edit.
But could maybe be displayed in marble also. 

Both formats are very easy to use in openlayers.

Which format would you prefer ?


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