Poll for kde.org logo competition

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Mon May 26 20:04:07 UTC 2003

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[Jason Bainbridge]
> Would have been nice though to have this mentioned when I was trying to
> get feedback for the competition rules as most of the shortlist is
> based around the original colours of the website.

I brought up the topic several times on this mailing list. When the logo 
competition was discussed, I suggested voting on the style first. The 
idea was turned down using the argument that it is better to vote on both 
at the same time.

After having asked four or five times for a style vote, each time being 
told to be patient, I began to feel stupid about it, so I didn't 
explicitely mention that again when the exact rules where discussed.

> I think we need to personally shortlist the shortlist and come up with
> a list of no more than 5 style/logo combinations and then conduct the
> poll based upon that.

No, I don't think that's a good idea. We will have to keep the different 
styles on the site, as some of them are needed for accessibility, and as 
people have already chosen their favourites using a cookie. So I believe 
ensuring the logo looks well in all styles is the only thing we can do 

Reducing the number of options would also mean to remove some of the style 
sheets from the competition. As the maintainers have already show lack of 
recognition for the work put into designing the style sheets by delaying 
the vote on the styles again and again, I don't think it would be right 
to remove some of them now.

I agree that it would have been better to quickly decide which style to 
use, but it was the decision of the maintainers to ignore the style 
voting for so long, even if I kept reminding people again and again.


- -- 
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

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