Poll for kde.org logo competition

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Mon May 26 05:07:06 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

[Navindra Umanee]
> I'm already confused.  Doesn't the theme depend on who wins the logo
> contest or vice-versa?  One will have to go first, you can't really do
> them both at the same time...

No, as everyone can switch the style, the logo MUST work with all styles. 
I think this is the case for the logos that are currently suggested for 

I would therefore prefer to allow for logo and style switching on the same 
page, so people realize that the logo must work with different styles 
before they vote.

Of course, it would have been possible to have a vote for the style first 
and now only have a vote for the logo, as I suggested some weeks ago. 
IIRC, all the other people on this list either argued to vote on both at 
the same time, or simply kept quit. Voting for the logo first doesn't 
make sense IMHO, as we already have to keep in mind all the styles when 
evaluating the logos.

I think it is best now to have a parallel vote for both.


- -- 
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

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