Contest entries online (finally)

Jason Bainbridge jason at
Sun May 18 16:17:02 UTC 2003


Apologies for the delay in getting this done but I've been working night shift 
lately, doing freelance webdesign during the day and playing Zelda in what 
little spare time I have but I have pried myself away from Zelda and the 
entries are now online at:

The three I like are Olaf's, Ralph's and Sebastian's, if Sebastian is willing 
to do the extra work to make his entry look like this screenshot - he did then 
I think that is my favourite.

Let me know what you all think, some of them don't fit too well within the 
existing CSS but I think it is easy enough to see how they look and if 
necessary the CSS can be modified before implementation.

PS. none of the supporting files are at that link only the competition related 
stuff so I know most of the links don't work.

Jason Bainbridge
KDE Web Team - 
webmaster at 

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