A couple of notes

Mat Colton mat.colton at web-xs.de
Fri Mar 7 13:49:36 UTC 2003

Hi all,
some comments on the new code:
1. I see
 "<span class="invisible"><a href="#main" accesskey="2">Skip to Content</a> 
This will not work for screen readers using IE AFAIK. Might want to try 
setting the CSS to "position: absolute; left: -40em; top: 0;" which works for 
them and tty media as well.
2. Why is the print CSS not putting a "display: none" on the header, 
navigation and so on? I don't really unterstand that. The print page 
should only contain the real content and the URL IMHO.
3. Due to the "line-height: 1em;" line in #header the letters are cut off on 
Konqueror 3.1 (Gentoo Linux) on my machine. Take it out and it works fine.
4. The page uses relative font sizes, such as font-size: small. This kind of 
relative font sizing causes different font sizes in IE and Mozilla. Start off 
with 100% font-size in the body tag and then use .8em for the #header and it 
will be the same on both browsers (and on Konqueror)

Besides that I noticed some pages, i.e. the front page, won't render correctly 
on NS 4.79. I thought the page was made in XHTML 1.0 Transitional to be able 
to avoid stuff like that? Not meant to be provocative. I was just wondering 
cause I remember posts saying we can't use XHTML 1.1 because of problems like 
Last but not least for the moment and not really that important: Maybe the 
standard.js could be in the head tag (where it belongs) and contain browser 
checking before trying to execute a function:

function submitSettings() {
  if (document.forms) {

function submitSearch() {
  if (document.forms) {
    if(document.Searchform.input.value != "") {

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