
Nanni, Hermann Hermann.Nanni at BAUR-VERSAND.DE
Tue Jun 24 12:55:55 UTC 2003


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Rufe ich mit 
auf, erscheint die Seite sauber.

Gruß ....(s.U.)

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  <h1>Conquer your Desktop!</h1> 
  is a powerful Open Source graphical desktop environment for Unix
workstations. It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and
outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix
operating system. 
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  <a name="announcements" shape="rect">Latest Announcements</a> 
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  <a href="http://www.koffice.org/releases/1.3beta2-release.phtml"
shape="rect">KOffice 1.3 Beta 2 Released</a> 
  <br clear="none" /> 
  On June 18th 2003, the KDE Project released the second beta version of
KOffice 1.3. It comes with a lot of bugfixes and a couple of new features
compared to KOffice 1.3 Beta 1. Read more in the 
  <a href="http://www.koffice.org/releases/1.3beta2-release.phtml"
shape="rect">KOffice 1.3 Beta 2 release notes</a> 
  and in the 
  <a href="http://www.koffice.org/announcements/changelog-1.3beta2.phtml"
shape="rect">KOffice 1.3 Beta 2 changelog</a> 
  <br clear="none" /> 
  <p /> 
- <b>
  <a href="/announcements/announce-3.1.2.php" shape="rect">KDE 3.1.2
  <br clear="none" /> 
  On May 19th 2003, the KDE Project released 
  <a href="/announcements/announce-3.1.2.php" shape="rect">KDE 3.1.2</a> 
  . Read the 
  <a href="/info/3.1/feature_guide_1.html" shape="rect">KDE 3.1 New Feature
  or the 
  <a href="/announcements/changelogs/changelog3_1_1to3_1_2.php"
shape="rect">detailed KDE 3.1.2 change log</a> 
  . For packages, please visit the 
  <a href="/info/3.1.2.php" shape="rect">KDE 3.1.2 info page</a> 
  and browse the 
  <a href="/info/requirements/3.1.php" shape="rect">KDE 3.1 Requirements
  . Read more in the 
  <a href="announcements/announce-3.1.2.php" shape="rect">KDE 3.1.2
  <br clear="none" /> 
  <p /> 
- <b>
  <a href="http://www.kdevelop.org/" shape="rect">KDevelop 3.0 Alpha 4
  <br clear="none" /> 
  On April 18th 2003, the KDevelop Project released the 
  <a href="http://download.kde.org/unstable/kdevelop-3.0-alpha4a/"
shape="rect">fourth Alpha Release</a> 
  of the Gideon development branch. Read more at 
  <a href="http://www.kdevelop.org/" shape="rect">www.kdevelop.org</a> 
  and in the 
  <a href="http://www.kdevelop.org/index.html?filename=changes.html"
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shape="rect">More announcements...</a> 
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  <a name="news" shape="rect">Latest News</a> 
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Dot News">
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  <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Date</th> 
  <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Headline</th> 
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <b>23 June</b> 
- <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://dot.kde.org/1056385111/" title="Read the full article on
dot.kde.org" shape="rect">Checking Hotmail with KMail/Gotmail</a> 
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <b>21 June</b> 
- <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://dot.kde.org/1056212141/" title="Read the full article on
dot.kde.org" shape="rect">KDE-CVS-Digest for June 20, 2003</a> 
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <b>20 June</b> 
- <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://dot.kde.org/1056125012/" title="Read the full article on
dot.kde.org" shape="rect">KDE Traffic #55 is Up</a> 
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <b>19 June</b> 
- <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://dot.kde.org/1056044540/" title="Read the full article on
dot.kde.org" shape="rect">KOffice 1.3 Beta 2 Released</a> 
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <b>19 June</b> 
- <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://dot.kde.org/1056039550/" title="Read the full article on
dot.kde.org" shape="rect">Urgent Help Needed for UK Linux Expo</a> 
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  <td rowspan="1" colspan="1" /> 
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shape="rect">More news...</a> 
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  <a name="applications" shape="rect">Latest Applications</a> 
- <!--  including .//media/includes/i18n/en/root.inc and
- <table summary="This is a list of latest third party application releases
for KDE">
- <tr>
  <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Date</th> 
  <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">Application / Release</th> 
  <th rowspan="1" colspan="1">KDE</th> 
- <!--  t = '1056399098', date[1] = '23 June 2003 (22:11:38) GMT',
printDate2 = '23 June', prevDate = '', printDate = 'Jun. 23' 
- <tr>
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <b>23 June</b> 
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://apps.kde.com/nfinfo.php?vid=9364" shape="rect">Kaffeine
  <br clear="none" /> 
  a xine-based multimedia player 
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.1.x</td> 
- <!--  t = '1056394748', date[1] = '23 June 2003 (20:59:08) GMT',
printDate2 = '23 June', prevDate = 'Jun. 23', printDate = 'Jun. 23' 
- <tr>
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1"> </td> 
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://apps.kde.com/nfinfo.php?vid=9362" shape="rect">Qt
  <br clear="none" /> 
  the C++ GUI library upon which KDE is based 
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">n.a.</td> 
- <!--  t = '1056393138', date[1] = '23 June 2003 (20:32:18) GMT',
printDate2 = '23 June', prevDate = 'Jun. 23', printDate = 'Jun. 23' 
- <tr>
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1"> </td> 
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://apps.kde.com/nfinfo.php?vid=9361" shape="rect">KnokiiSync
  <br clear="none" /> 
  a KDE Address Book to gnokii-compatible phones synchronization program 
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.1.x</td> 
- <!--  t = '1056392403', date[1] = '23 June 2003 (20:20:03) GMT',
printDate2 = '23 June', prevDate = 'Jun. 23', printDate = 'Jun. 23' 
- <tr>
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1"> </td> 
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://apps.kde.com/nfinfo.php?vid=9360" shape="rect">KJpeg2Avi
  <br clear="none" /> 
  a program to convert a series of images to an AVI-MJPEG video 
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.1.x</td> 
- <!--  t = '1056390637', date[1] = '23 June 2003 (19:50:37) GMT',
printDate2 = '23 June', prevDate = 'Jun. 23', printDate = 'Jun. 23' 
- <tr>
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1"> </td> 
- <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">
  <a href="http://apps.kde.com/nfinfo.php?vid=9359" shape="rect">LabPlot
  <br clear="none" /> 
  a 2D and 3D function and data plotting program 
  <td valign="top" rowspan="1" colspan="1">3.0.x</td> 
- <p>
  Application feed provided by 
  <a href="http://apps.kde.com/" shape="rect">APPS.KDE.com</a> 
  , a commercial, independent KDE website. 
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Hermann J. Nanni
Bereich E-Commerce
Baur Versand GmbH&Co
Bahnhofstrasse 10
96224 Burgkunstadt
' 09572-91-2131
7  09572-91-112131
<mailto:hermann.nanni at baur.de>

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