Bug reporting

Doug Wright doug_wright at sympatico.ca
Sun Jan 26 03:06:53 UTC 2003

Good Day.

Today I tried to submit a bug report against KDE 3.0.0.  It seems that the 
earliest version of KDE 3 that I can report bugs against is 3.0.3 according 
to your bug reporting system.

I searched for my bug using the query feature, but could not find it so I can 
only assume that it exists in more current versions.

This is a serious bug that results in data loss.  Now that I know about it I 
can work around it and thus I do not wish to upgrade my version of KDE as the 
bug reporting system suggests.  I still wish to report this bug though.  How 
can I do this if your reporting system will not accept a bug report against 


-Doug Wright

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