[Sysadmin] Re: Permissions for wwwtesting.kde.org

Christopher Molnar molnar at kde.org
Sun Jan 26 01:11:57 UTC 2003

We all have to run a cron job anyways (to do the updates), so this is 
not a real problem.


On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 08:09 PM, Jason Bainbridge wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> I'll rewrite the code then as I thought I was making it easier on the 
> mirrors
> by removing the need for a separate cron job to generate the cached 
> file(s)
> as is currently the case.
> I'll think this over as to how best to proceed, I'll probably just 
> follow the
> same model that kde.org does currently, which unfortunately doesn't 
> provide
> any sort of redundancy so if appsy or the dot are down then those error
> messages are going to return.
> Jason
> On Sun, 26 Jan 2003 05:21, Christopher Molnar wrote:
>> Hey, I don't know if this is code that will eventually need to end up
>> on the web mirrors, but if it is I want to make a comment before this
>> goes to far:
>> I as a web mirror site will not allow write access to any directory by
>> a mirrored site. If this is the case I will no longer be a KDE mirror
>> site. There are way to many possible security problems with this idea.
>> -Chris
>> On Saturday, January 25, 2003, at 12:07 PM, Christoph Cullmann wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> On Saturday 25 January 2003 18:06, Jason Bainbridge wrote:
>>>> Can whatever user that is running apache on this server please be
>>>> given
>>>> permission to write to the
>>>> /space/home/dirk/public_html/kde-www/media/includes/ directory?
>>>> This is required so the caching code for the rdf files from appsy 
>>>> and
>>>> the
>>>> dot will work.
>>> Perhaps we should have a /media/tmp dir for such stuff, as enable
>>> writing to
>>> includes dir is not that clever, or ?
>>> cu
>>> Christoph
>>> - --
>>> Christoph Cullmann
>>> KDE Developer, kde.org Co-Maintainer
>>> http://www.babylon2k.de, cullmann at kde.org
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