Volunteers ?

Navindra Umanee navindra at cs.mcgill.ca
Fri Jan 24 15:44:49 UTC 2003

Christoph Cullmann <cullmann at babylon2k.de> wrote:
> > > What's the URL for viewing the stuff in kde-www?
> >
> > try http://kdewww.physos.net/
> >
> > This is not updated automatically, so it may lack behind.
> upsa, have totally forgotten that ;)

Wow, that needs so much work...  I thought the HTML coding stuff was
already done?  What do you need exactly?  People to code HTML so that
it looks like the screenshot?  If this is impractical, then we may
need to fall back to something that has already been coded.

I think you should send an email and break down the work that needs to
be done -- it will be easier to get volunteers then!


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