kde-www TNG

Dirk Mueller mueller at kde.org
Sat Feb 22 11:32:00 UTC 2003

On Sam, 22 Feb 2003, Christoph Cullmann wrote:

> See no problems ;) (beside the mentioned needed things)

Ok, can you add some php magic that prints a nice error message when the 
 index page is opened and the media/includes is not in the php include_path?

this way mirror admins should be easily able to recognize and fix the 

besides that, should we copy the kde-www module contents over the www module 
when we switch? (or exchange both CVS modules on the server?) 

This is probably easier for web mirror admins, as they might not notice the 
outdated module otherwise. 

of course we could replace the front page of www/ with a redirection to 
www.kde.org and some instructions for the mirror admin. 

Please start with the last sync of contents then, I'll notifiy the 
www.kde.org admins when you're finished. 

Dirk (received 283 mails today)

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