Fwd: Translation of wwwtesting

Olaf Jan Schmidt ojschmidt at kde.org
Wed Feb 5 12:00:22 UTC 2003

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Sorry, I skipped the leading "kde-" from kde-i18n-doc.

- ----------  Weitergeleitete Nachricht - Forwarded Mail:  ----------


Anne-Marie mentioned on kde-www at mail.kde.org that she is thinking about
providing translated versions for edu.kde.org. This made me wonder about
the possibility to use the design of http://wwwtesting.kde.org on sites
like http://www.kde.de.

Currently, the php scripts of the new web site design automatically
include a number of English phrases. Of course it is possible to
translate these by changing the php scripts directly, but that would mean
that either changes to the php scripts have to be re-entered into all
translations, or we end up with different code everywhere.

It also would not allow different languages on _one_ site.

My idea is to introduce a very simple i18n () function for the php
scripts. There is no need to make it translate everything - which is
impossible - but the most important phrases like "Location:", "Help",
"Website settings", etc., can be translated, and some links can be
changed to point to translated versions.

This way, non-English KDE sites could use exactly the same php scripts as
the English site, and it would be easily possible to switch languages on
a per page basis.

The only requirement would be a simple line in every non-English page:

include_once ("i18n/de.inc");

before all other includes.

What do you think?


- -------------------------------------------------------

- -- 
Olaf Jan Schmidt, KDE Accessibility Project
KDEAP co-maintainer, maintainer of http://accessibility.kde.org

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