KDE web logs for research

A. Gunes Koru gkoru at engr.smu.edu
Thu Aug 7 01:37:43 UTC 2003

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a member of the Software Engineering research group in Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, TX, USA. We are performing research in the
area of web engineering.

Since we are trying to do empirical research, we need to use web logs as
our primary data source (such as the ones produced by Apache web server).
So far, we have only obtained the web logs from our own engineering
school. The companies we have contacted were highly sensitive about such
data because of their marketing and business concerns.

I thought that since KDE is an organization about an open source project, 
maybe it could be possible to obtain such data from KDE. Of course, the 
shared data will be used only for research purposes.

I would deeply appreciate if you could help us on this issue or refer to
someone who might be more related in the KDE project. My contact
information is below. Please do not hesitate to ask further questions or
give further comments.


A. Gunes Koru                                   Home: 214 566 8418
Research Assistant, Ph.D. Student               Work: 214 768 2005
Southern Methodist University                   
Computer Science & Engineering Dep.
6425 North Ownby Drive                          Email: gkoru at engr.smu.edu
Science and Information Building Room 317
Dallas, TX 75205

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