Translating KDE websites to Indonesian

Chris Howells chris at
Wed Apr 2 15:15:42 UTC 2003

Hash: SHA1

Hi Ronald,

On Sunday 30 March 2003 04:29, Ronald Kuwawi wrote:

> I would like to help translating the website into Indonesian, if that's
> not being done yet. Indonesia is a very big country, with population

I haven't checked but if Indonesian isn't listed in the combo box on the top 
of the main page, it probably isn't being done.

> more than 210 million people, and IT industry is growing very fast
> there so I think it's a good idea to  provide the Indonesian translation
> of the website. I'm 3rd year computer science student at University
> of New South Wales, Sydney and I'm proficient both in English and
> Indonesian.  Please provide me with some steps to translate your site.

OK, I'd love for you to do this. Please excuse my ignorance on the matter, but 
is Indonesian a right-to-left language rather than a left-to-right language 
e.g. English? If so, this may be a slight difficulty as I haven't quite 
finished enabling translations for left-to-right languages yet and at the 
moment I don't quite see how the web framework could be extended to cover 
right-to-left languages.... it will almost certainly be possible somehow, I 
will just need to think about it a little and unfortunately it will have to 
go on the end of my todo list which is already quite long.

If it's possible/common for Indonesian to be written in a left-to-right manner 
(I think I recall somebody saying that Hebrew was sometimes written like this 
even though it's normally a right-to-left language) then I'd be very happy to 
get you started.

But as I said I haven't quite finished enabling left-to-right translations 
yet, so please bear with me while I do this. I will get into contact with you 
again as soon as it's ready.

- -- 
Cheers, Chris Howells -- chris at, howells at
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