Could the endless disscussion stop

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at
Mon Oct 21 22:03:11 UTC 2002

Hash: SHA1

> Jason, Mat, and I have been coding, just as you say, the whole time of this
> discussion, Christoph.  Constantly reacting to feedback, constantly
> refining, constantly improving (well, some changes end up being mistakes,
> but we learn from them!).
That is surely nice for you, but that won't change that we need to come to a 
conclusion which design to take. What you did are nice detail tweaks, but in 
the end, the real question is not if my bar is yellow or blue or if my fonts 
are big or small, atm the real question is which concept we take, therefor:

What does we want ?
2 menus, 1 menu, which side, which "overall" design (beside tweaks) ?

I don't want to enforce any design on my own, but could we now get together to 
take one of them ? Even if we tweak our design drafts to eternity, we should 
decide now, as fonts/colors/some little position stuff won't change the 
opinions about the concepts.

If you want to tweak your style more, fine, do it, but than do it after we 
have decided for or against it. (Surely I could tweak root66's design for the 
rest of this and the next year, too, but that is just timewasting)


Seems Navindra is right, perhaps now is the time to at least enforce to make 
any decision at all. I won't try to enforce my own favourite if I get no 
"majority" (hu, interesting if I will see any "votes" at all if that 
continues), but that discussion must and will end in the near future ;)

- -- 
Christoph Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


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