kde-www module

Christoph Cullmann cullmann at babylon2k.de
Thu Oct 17 09:04:11 UTC 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 17 October 2002 01:54, Jason Bainbridge wrote:
> >one more note: no hardcoding of stuff like >http://usablity.kde.org as
> > baseref, as that will break the page on all mirrors, to include >common
> > stuff out of /images or /styles just assume that it is located in >the
> > server root, that should be easy to accomplish.
> That's exactly how it was in the first place when it I think it was
> yourself that suggested we don't do that and instead have a file where
> $basehref can be defined for each site. Now you want the opposite?
I just seen that it even works without the basehref just fine.

> >One thing that is a problem is the start dir of the >menu.inc stuff,
> > hardcode there any documentroot stuff in the subpages is bad, as >breaks
> > mirroring, too. perhaps use relative dirs there, too.
> The document_root is set in one place, I don't think it is much of an issue
> for a mirror site to update one tiny file as part of their cron job to
> refresh the site.
> >At all, I want to get rid of any hardcoded url, dir, ...
> I don't think defining variables in a single configuration file and then
> using those variables throughout the codebase would constitute
> hardcoding...
Atm in my stuff there are only full urls like http://www.kde.org in the 
family.inc, where is the problem ? I got here kate.kde.org up and running 
localy by only checking out kde-www, setting server root to 
kde-www/apps/areas + linking the /inc, /images and /styles to the right 

> >If we design that whole stuff from scratch at least >that should be
> > possible, or does kdebase need to be located in >/usr/src/kde3.2/.... to
> > be compiled ?
> Uhm what about $KDEDIR and ./configure --prefix= ?
> Regards,
> Jason
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- -- 
Christoph Cullmann
Kate/KDE developer
cullmann at kde.org
Version: GnuPG v1.2.0 (GNU/Linux)


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