discussion? where? well, not here...

Mat Colton mat.colton at web-xs.de
Sun Nov 24 23:10:33 UTC 2002

Am Sonntag, 24. November 2002 20:23 schrieb Neil Stevens:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Sunday November 24, 2002 11:19, Navindra Umanee wrote:
> > I guess I don't know why you would like to hide a service that
> > innumerable KDE users enjoy already.  I don't particularly have the
> > energy to play the defensive but to me I only see your unrealistic
> > approach adding further delays to a probably already doomed site
> > redesign for KDE.  (I hope not though.  Prove me wrong, I would be
> > happy.)
> Removing a feed from www.kde.org/index.php is not the same as hiding a
> service from the users.  The service will be no less available if we
> unclutter the KDE top-level page.  Please don't exaggerate the issue.

Couldn't have given a better response. 

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