Funny Emails to webmaster@(gnome|kde).org

Kurt Granroth granroth at
Tue Jun 11 23:41:32 UTC 2002

On Tuesday 11 June 2002 03:35 pm, Martin Konold wrote:
> > hmm... amusing emails. Crazy flames and randomness, although we do get
> > the occasional nice emails, they're just not as funny. ;-)
> >
> > Does webmaster at get similar kinds of stuff?
> Not really. Maybe our address is less prominent?! In general most people
> seem to be very kind and offer mirrors etc.

Right.. I've always thought that that was weird since I get quite a few 
flame emails to my granroth at address.  Perhaps the crazies in KDE 
search out me and kalle and send to us personally rather than go to an 
anonymous address.  Smart crazies.. hmm :-P
Kurt Granroth - "KDE -- Conquer Your Desktop"
KDE Developer/Evangelist | granroth at  | kurt at

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