KDE facts and figures page

Éric Bischoff e.bischoff at noos.fr
Sun Jul 28 13:04:32 UTC 2002

On Sunday 28 July 2002 14:55, Martin Konold wrote:
> On Sunday 28 July 2002 01:19 pm, Éric Bischoff wrote:
> > The KDE CVS source code repository holds currently about 2.6 million
> > lines of code. (To put things into perspective: The GNU/Linux kernel
> > version 2.5.29 consists in about 3.1 million lines of code.)
> Strange how did when switching to the same set of tools KDE shrink so much
> and at the same time the kernel grow that much...

The explanation is simple :
- the tools I used for measuring KDE did not remove comments nor blank lines
- I had taken the figures for an old kernel from the net

The new figures are much more realistic, because they compare simulaneous 
versions with the same tools. Did you switch to them on the facts and figures 
page ?

Éric Bischoff

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