[kde-doc-english]KDE facts and figures page

Brad Hards bhards at bigpond.net.au
Sun Jul 28 10:01:14 UTC 2002

On Sun, 28 Jul 2002 19:53, Éric Bischoff wrote:
> Sources:
> - Linux kernel : http://www.dwheeler.com/sloc/redhat71-v1/redhat71sloc.html
Pretty old kernel.

> - KDE : I've counted them myself in current head today. I've counted only
> the following file extensions: *.c, *.cc, *.h, *.cpp, *.hpp, *.cxx, *.hxx,
> *.ui, *.desktop. I did not distinguish between lines of comments, empty
> lines, and lines of code. I did not count kde-i18n, kdenonbeta, kde-common
> and kde-extragear.
Then you do not have equal measures. If you want to do comparitive
situation of the two projects, you should use the same tools. What happens
if you use http://www.dwheeler.com/sloccount/ on KDE?

What happens if you run your counting script on a current kernel?

http://conf.linux.org.au. 22-25Jan2003. Perth, Australia. Birds in Black.

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