Web site translation through PHP function

Anthony Fok anthony at thizlinux.com
Thu Feb 21 07:16:06 UTC 2002

BTW, somewhat related is that the World Youth Day 2002 web site
uses PHP to provide translations into multiple Western and Asian languages,
with help from volunteer translators all over the world through the

I do not know the technical details, but just to show you that it is
possible.  http://www.wyd2002.org/

(I just helped translated a very small portion of the WYD2002 site into
Chinese.  :-)

But yes, this would be really cool if Free Software / Open Source project
web sites could provide a PHP interface for users to just go to a web page
and type in a translation, and the server automatically stores the new
translated strings in MySQL or PostgreSQL, etc. etc.  :-)



Anthony Fok Tung-Ling
ThizLinux Laboratory   <anthony at thizlinux.com> http://www.thizlinux.com/
Debian Chinese Project <foka at debian.org>       http://www.debian.org/intl/zh/
Come visit Our Lady of Victory Camp!           http://www.olvc.ab.ca/

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