[Bug 52288] [RFE] Usability improvement screenshots howto

Rob Kaper cap at capsi.com
Thu Dec 26 22:22:41 UTC 2002

Hash: SHA1

On Wednesday December 25 2002 2:32 pm, Neil Stevens wrote:
> It would be nice to have screenshots of the defaults, but to have *all* the
> screenshots use the defaults would give people the impression that KDE
> isn't configurable.  A balance must be reached.

Part of my plans for "KDE Impressions", which should feature default theme 
looks for all the functionality, and a special sections with a few artistic 
shots showing the best we can make and perhaps the best rated kde-look.org 
shots. I think I posted something about my ideas here in the past but noone 
(including me, I take full blame there) ever worked on it.

I returned home from the Christmas family visits early though and will take 
responsibility.. please send me a big flame if I haven't put up a prototype 
yet when the date changes to 2003.

Qwertz: has Andreas been in touch with you for an update of the 3.1 
screenshots on /screenshots/ and for the 3.1 feature guide?

- -- 
Rob Kaper     | Gimme some love, gimme some skin,
cap at capsi.com | if we ain't got that then we ain't got much
www.capsi.com | and we ain't got nothing, nothing! -- "Nothing" by A
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