Inclusion of "Konstruct" in's application news

Navindra Umanee navindra at
Sat Dec 21 23:55:14 UTC 2002

Christoph Cullmann <cullmann at> wrote:
> As physos + jasone + me are the maintainer, think our ok would be 
> enough for that procedure ;)

Hmmm, no offence but are you really the maintainer for the current and its content?  As far as I know a lot of people are
involved with this site and its current individually/group-maintained
content, and Kurt is the person who implemented and deployed the
actual site design.

I agree on the other hand that you are entrusted with the task of
deploying the new design, and as far as I know the people
maintaining current content on the site (like endres maintains the
FAQ) remain.

I think this Konstruct matter is no problem at all.  Like Steve said
just post it please and let Dre take care of these simple matters
unless there's some real problem.  (eg, people seem to not want Qt
apps on the KDE page.  that's decided, fine...  next one) No need for


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