[Kde-women] list moderation

Frauke Oster f.oster at frsv.de
Sun Mar 4 17:11:10 CET 2007

Hello everybody,

today I want to address all people who would consider moderating this 
mailing list in the future. I'm moderating the list now for quite a while 
and have to say  that this task mainly consists of discarding spam messages. 
It doesn't take much time, but nonetheless it's not possible for me to 
continue doing that job. I always hoped that there would be more to moderate 
and that the list starts buzzing with life again. I still hope that this 
will happen someday.
I just got my diploma and I am going to start my new job soon, where I will 
be traveling a lot and won't have much time and won't have a constant 
internet connection. So this is a personal decision and I hope that someone 
interested in kde-women will take over this job.


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