[Kde-women] Re: flosspols survey

Anne-Marie Mahfouf annemarie.mahfouf at free.fr
Thu Apr 7 17:04:43 CEST 2005


> Is there more activity on IRC for KDE women?

you'll see women activity in KDE in all KDE channels on IRC.  that was the 
point Charles actually wanted to stress: women interaction in KDE is within 
KDE not within kde-women. it does not take long to see kde-women itself is 
quite dead. And this is good. Take Lauri or me, we are involved in kde and 
have no time left to be involved in kde-women specifically. 
i know women are difficult to spot in a project like kde but several got 
involved recently at key points. studying that would need from you to be 
inside the project.
in fact if you would sponsor me i could analyze that for you :-)



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