[Kde-women]Re: who I am

cynthia s kde-women@mail.kde.org
Sat, 2 Mar 2002 20:07:08 -0500

On Saturday 02 March 2002 06:04 am, kde-women-request@mail.kde.org wrote:

Hi Eva,
 Hay all!  I, Cynthia, hail from Painesville, OH which is about 30 miles=20
outside of Cleveland.  (no Cleve jokes! I love it here! ..no really:)  I =
usually using Linux now.  It took awhile and lots of distros, but I'm fin=
here.  I am still dual-booting, though.  Started going to CLUG  (Cleve LU=
meetings even.  Which are all men.  I am "very" newbie to computers and=20
Linux.  I spent most of my life up until recently taking care of=20
responsibilities and sole-supporting.  My "responsibilities" are now off =
their own doing fine and I'm somewhat free to follow my own interests! =20
(hooray)   I have kept up with the world of computers from the outside fo=
r a=20
long while believing (naively possibly)  that there is a hacker lurking=20
inside me.  I ran across Linux in MIT's Technology Review and fell in lov=
e. =20
It spoke to the left-winger in me as well as that hidden geek.  Now I'm=20
working on learning as much as I can, as quickly as I can. =20

I am interested in building my next computer, soon.  (It's a gas to go in=
the computer store and know what I'm talking about).  I am taking an  a+ =
course -just to get to know what's going on, and will be teaching myself =
I work for the Post Office and it while it would be nice to work my way t=
o a=20
new job, it's not a necessity.   So, I'm basically jumping into the water=
hoping to learn how to swim.  I'm good at making a fool of myself and=20
laughing about it so I hope I'll be OK.  =20

This is actually the first computer group for women I have come across.  =
use KDE with Red Hat7.2.  I've played with Debian and may use that on my =

I'm surprised at how much I have to say.  I hope to get to know some of y=
-and learn from you.=20

Cynthia(or Cyn, or Cynners-not cindy) S.
"The knowledge of all things is possible."
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Leonardo da Vinci
(to this hope I cling)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~