[Craft] [Bug 454941] Binary-factory : "RelWithDebInfo" OpenCV library targets not found while configuring digiKam.
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
bugzilla_noreply at kde.org
Sun Jun 12 13:20:51 BST 2022
--- Comment #8 from caulier.gilles at gmail.com ---
I switched the digiKam binary factory to opencv 4.5.1 as the build factory. The
MSVC target now compile OpenCV code before digiKam. This is the cmake
configuration report from OpenCV:
14:13:28 -- General configuration for OpenCV 4.5.1
14:13:28 -- Version control: unknown
14:13:28 --
14:13:28 -- Extra modules:
14:13:28 -- Location (extra):
14:13:28 -- Version control (extra): unknown
14:13:28 --
14:13:28 -- Platform:
14:13:28 -- Timestamp: 2022-06-12T12:13:28Z
14:13:28 -- Host: Windows 10.0.19043 AMD64
14:13:28 -- CMake: 3.19.2
14:13:28 -- CMake generator: Ninja
14:13:28 -- CMake build tool:
14:13:28 -- MSVC: 1929
14:13:28 -- Configuration: RelWithDebInfo
14:13:28 --
14:13:28 -- CPU/HW features:
14:13:28 -- Baseline: SSE SSE2
14:13:28 -- requested: SSE2
14:13:28 -- Dispatched code generation:
14:13:28 -- requested: SSE2
14:13:28 --
14:13:28 -- C/C++:
14:13:28 -- Built as dynamic libs?: YES
14:13:28 -- C++ standard: 11
14:13:28 -- C++ Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft
Studio/2019/Professional/VC/Tools/MSVC/14.29.30037/bin/Hostx64/x64/cl.exe (ver
14:13:28 -- C++ flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /D
_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /FS /EHa /wd4127
/wd4251 /wd4324 /wd4275 /wd4512 /wd4589 /MD /O2 /Ob2 /DNDEBUG
14:13:29 -- C++ flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W4 /GR /D
_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /FS /EHa /wd4127
/wd4251 /wd4324 /wd4275 /wd4512 /wd4589 /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od /RTC1
14:13:29 -- C Compiler: C:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft
14:13:29 -- C flags (Release): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D
_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /FS /MD /O2 /Ob2
14:13:29 -- C flags (Debug): /DWIN32 /D_WINDOWS /W3 /D
_SCL_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS /Gy /bigobj /Oi /fp:precise /FS /MDd /Zi /Ob0 /Od
14:13:29 -- Linker flags (Release): /machine:x64 /INCREMENTAL:NO
14:13:29 -- Linker flags (Debug): /machine:x64 /debug /INCREMENTAL
14:13:29 -- ccache: NO
14:13:29 -- Precompiled headers: NO
14:13:29 -- Extra dependencies:
14:13:29 -- 3rdparty dependencies:
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- OpenCV modules:
14:13:29 -- To be built: calib3d core dnn features2d flann
imgcodecs imgproc ml objdetect plot tracking video
14:13:29 -- Disabled: world
14:13:29 -- Disabled by dependency: aruco barcode bgsegm bioinspired
ccalib datasets dnn_objdetect dnn_superres dpm face fuzzy gapi hdf hfs highgui
img_hash intensity_transform java_bindings_generator js_bindings_generator
line_descriptor mcc objc_bindings_generator optflow phase_unwrapping photo
python_bindings_generator python_tests quality rapid reg rgbd saliency shape
stereo stitching structured_light superres surface_matching text videoio
videostab wechat_qrcode xfeatures2d ximgproc xobjdetect xphoto
14:13:29 -- Unavailable: alphamat cudaarithm cudabgsegm
cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect
cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev cvv freetype java julia matlab ovis
python2 python3 sfm ts viz
14:13:29 -- Applications: apps
14:13:29 -- Documentation: NO
14:13:29 -- Non-free algorithms: NO
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Windows RT support: NO
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- GUI:
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Media I/O:
14:13:29 -- ZLib:
C:/Craft/BinaryFactory/windows-msvc2019_64-cl/lib/zlib.lib (ver 1.2.12)
14:13:29 -- HDR: NO
14:13:29 -- SUNRASTER: NO
14:13:29 -- PXM: NO
14:13:29 -- PFM: YES
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Video I/O:
14:13:29 -- Media Foundation: YES
14:13:29 -- DXVA: YES
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Parallel framework: Concurrency
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Trace: YES (with Intel ITT)
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Other third-party libraries:
14:13:29 -- Custom HAL: NO
14:13:29 -- Protobuf:
C:/Craft/BinaryFactory/windows-msvc2019_64-cl/lib/libprotobuf.lib (3.11.2)
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Python (for build):
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Java:
14:13:29 -- ant: NO
14:13:29 -- JNI: NO
14:13:29 -- Java wrappers: NO
14:13:29 -- Java tests: NO
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Install to:
14:13:29 -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
14:13:29 --
14:13:29 -- Configuring done
14:13:30 -- Generating done
14:13:30 -- Build files have been written to: C:/_/16144dac/build
As you can see RelWithDebInfo target is used to build OpenCV...
We will see if digiKam found OpenCV with Cmake now.
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