QtSDK configuration in CraftSettings.ini

Hannah von Reth vonreth at kde.org
Tue May 11 09:01:41 BST 2021

Hi Christophe,
You are trying to use an advanced feature which is not in its best shape.

Any reason you can't use the Qt version provided by craft?.


From: Kde-windows <kde-windows-bounces at kde.org> on behalf of Christophe Larchier <christophe.larchier at infomaniak.com>
Sent: Friday, April 30, 2021 09:04
To: kde-windows at kde.org <kde-windows at kde.org>
Subject: QtSDK configuration in CraftSettings.ini

I would like to force craft to use my local Qt SDK instead of downloading it from files.kde.org<http://files.kde.org>. I have set the [QtSDK] parameters in CraftSettings.ini but it doesn't work.

[QtSDK] ## For advanced users only ## Whether to use prebuild Qt binaries. Enabled = True ## The path to the Qt sdk. Path = C:\Qt ## The version of Qt. Version = 5.15.2 ## The compiler version, if you are not sure what to use, have a look into the directory set in QtSDK/Path. ## The compiler must be of the same type as General/KDECOMPILER. ## If you are using mingw please make sure you have installed the mingw using the Qt installer. Compiler = msvc2019_64

Should I clean the cache? And how?

Thank you,


Christophe Larchier | Developer

T: +41 22 820 35 44
Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Genève
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