Windows Build Failing for kdiff3

Boylan, Ross Ross.Boylan at
Mon Jun 21 20:24:47 BST 2021

I've installed craft, but haven't run it to build any KDE stuff.  Like you, I'm interested in KDiff3.
It looks as the versioning is coming from CraftRoot\etc\blueprints\locations\craft-blueprints-kde\libs\boost

------------------- version.ini-------------------
include = version-1_67.ini
tags =
branches =
tarballs = 1_55_0;1_56_0;1_57_0;1_58_0;1_59_0;1_65_1
defaulttarget = 1.69.0
tarballUrl =${VERSION}.tar.gz

--------------- version-1_67.ini --------------------------------------------------
tarballs = 1.67.0;1.69.0;1.71.0
# new download site for boost
tarballUrl =${VERSION}/source/boost_${VERSION_MAJOR}_${VERSION_MINOR}_${VERSION_PATCH_LEVEL}.tar.gz

1. defaulttarget looks like the source of 1.69.0.
2. Unsure how include file relates to file doing the including: e.g., which version of tarballs wins?  Are they combined?
3. The version in the two files differ, with version-1_67 having newer (than 1.67!) versions.
4. Neither is close to the current 1.76.
5. Unsure if a version specific tarball is essential, or if the lib can be built from source in its absence. I guess it's the latter, since that seems to be how craft setup behaves for other things.
6. Unsure if this will find and use an existing installation of boost.
7. Not sure if any of the sub-library specifications need any version-specific updating; on a spot check, maybe not.


-----Original Message-----
From: Kde-windows <kde-windows-bounces at> On Behalf Of Michael Reeves
Sent: Friday, June 4, 2021 12:20 PM
To: kde-windows at
Subject: Windows Build Failing for kdiff3*20WindowsMSVCQt5.15/__;JQ!!LQC6Cpwp!-7PFaxq-BgMV8VrDHJs2CkuqR75ERByi28yGGSkdr_dfDVfoq__NPdEpUh6_Johg6NU$ 

KDiff3 requires boost-headers 1.71.0 or later due to an MSVC specific link time bug See;!!LQC6Cpwp!-7PFaxq-BgMV8VrDHJs2CkuqR75ERByi28yGGSkdr_dfDVfoq__NPdEpUh6_BxPRbq0$ .
Craft however is refusing to take the updated configuration files into account and instead uses 1.69.0. All settings that I am aware of have been updated.

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