Packaging inside NSIS installer

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at
Mon Sep 21 16:38:59 BST 2020


Installers created by craft's current NullsoftInstallerPackager show a
somewhat confusing behavior: The installation progress bar gets stuck
midway for a looong time (potentially several minutes), while moving
pretty fast, otherwise. Nothing seems to happen in the installer
"details" window during this time, either. For RKWard we've actually
seen reports of users who thought the installer had crashed and
canceled the installation. I can only guess how many others canceled
the installation *without* reporting their experience.

The cause of this "hang" is that at this point, the installer is
actually unpacking a single very large file: a 7z archive of most of
the package contents.

Given that NSIS itself performs a pretty solid compression, I think
this "double packaging" is not really needed, and does more harm than
good. Evidently, however, considerable work has gone into creating the
installer in this way, so I guess I may be overlooking something. Is
this something to keep?

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