Removal help needed

Jeremy Whiting jpwhiting at
Wed Aug 12 11:40:27 UTC 2015


What you are describing sounds like there's a folder and some dead
shortcuts left in the users start menu folder (or maybe the global
one, depending how kde was installed). You should be able to delete
the whole folder either from right clicking it in the start menu or by
finding that location/folder in windows explorer and deleting it.

Hope that helps,

On Wed, Aug 12, 2015 at 5:16 AM, Anne Wilson <cannewilson at> wrote:
> On 12/08/2015 08:36, Patrick Spendrin wrote:
>> Am 11.08.2015 um 11:58 schrieb Anne Wilson:
>>> Hi.  I have KDE installed on an older laptop which has just been
>>> upgraded from Windows 7 to Windows 10.  The KDE apps are no longer
>>> used on that laptop (they are 2 years old), so I wanted to remove
>>> them, but all my efforts have failed.
>>> They are not installed within the Windows Programs system, and I
>>> thought I remembered that they had to be uninstalled using the KDE
>>> Installer-GUI.  I did that, and got messages that they were
>>> uninstalling, but coming back to the laptop afterwards I found that
>>> the command window with a message from kdewin4init (misremembered
>>> name?) still opens, and all the programs are back in the
>>> appropriate folders.
>>> Since another family member will be using that laptop I need to
>>> clean it up, so what should I do to properly remove them?
>> Try to open the windows task manager, navigate to the processes tab,
>> and close all KDE processes, that is kded4.exe, kdeinit4.exe... and
>> dbus-daemon.exe .
> Hi, Patrick.  Mostly got there, thanks to you.  Windows 10 feedback below.
>> Then go to the installation directory and remove the complete
>> installation directory.
> It is likely that Task Manager opens a page with only the user's
> processes showing.  Deal with any KDE stuff there, then look for the
> link at the bottom of the page - More Details, I think it was called.
> That will open all the expected tabs, starting with Processes.
>> To cleanup also the user settings, open the explorer, and go to
>> %APPDATA% and remove the .kde directory.
>> If removing a file fails, check that you really killed all processes
>> in question.
> It took a few tries before I had found and killed everything, but I
> think I have now.  Unfortunately the folder KDE Release and all the apps
> are still listed on the start menu though they appear to be dead.  I'm
> working on finding the reason, and I'll report back if I find the cure.
>  Hope it helps others.
> Anne
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