[kde-windows] [Bug 338319] kde-4.13 build fails on win32-mscv2013 due to old qt - which compiler for x64 build?

Cristian Oneț onet.cristian at gmail.com
Fri Aug 22 09:02:17 UTC 2014

2014-08-22 11:45 GMT+03:00 Jörg Knobloch <jorgk at jorgk.com>:
> Thank you for your reply.
> My ultimate aim is to compile Kexi which is part of Calligra.
> I've tried a few things, all failed. I sent some stuff to the mailing list,
> most of it was ignored. Check
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-windows/2014-July/date.html
> and look for "Jörg Knobloch".
> At first I tried to build against KDE 4.8, because the instructions (which I
> have updated since) said so:
> https://community.kde.org/Calligra/Building_Calligra_on_Windows#Manual_Approach
> That failed. Jaroslaw Staniek told me it was too old, so I tried 4.13.
> That had some success with MS VS 2010, 32 bit, but in the end, none of the
> compiled Calligra apps could be launched. They also complained about being
> 32 bit when run on a 64 bit machine:
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-windows/2014-July/008853.html
> Boudewijn Rempt suggested to try a 64 bit compile which he uses for Krita.
> Then I tried to see whether I could compile some of the base apps, that also
> failed:
> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-windows/2014-July/008854.html
> In the end, I don't really care, as long as something compiles and runs. For
> Kexi it's most likely unimportant whether it's 32 or 64 bit.
> Maybe I'll try KDE 4.12 with MS VS 2010, 32 bit, again.

Thanks, it's much clearer now what you intend to do. About the ignored
messages I'm sure it's just a matter of lack of time from all
community members so if you are willing to put some work into running
Kexi on Windows please stay around and I'm sure we can work things
out. Just if you didn't knew: I think the team's presence on IRC is
better then on the mailing list (but I would like to see this

Anyway I should move "Compiling KDE4 on Windows" up my tasks list
since at the beginning of October we intend to release KMyMoney again
and by then I would expect to be able to package it on Windows without
problems so maybe I'll take a look at it this weekend and fix any
issues I find. I used kde-4.10 for the last installer I've made (I
still have the build) but I intend to update to kde-4.12.

As I've said running a 32 bit application should work just fine
(writing this using webmail in 32 bits Google Chrome on a 64 bits
Windows), I never seen any warnings about this.


> Regards,
> Jörg.

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