Error starting application after upgrade

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at
Thu May 9 19:12:21 UTC 2013

Am 09.05.2013 11:28, schrieb Anil Roy:
> Hi List,
> Thank you for the new release.
> I am a long time kdewin user under Win7 and have renamed the old
> installation folder before installing the new version.
> Now every application failes to start with
> "libbzip2.dll missing error" Any idea how to fix this.
> Bzip2 is installed but I can't find libbzip2.dll in the folder.

Please uninstall the bzip package (in package manager mode) and install
it again, or simply get the correct package from the download location
( and
unpack it into your installation directory (make sure that no KDE
processes are running before you unpack it).
You might have to do the same for zlib too.

(one more note: you always need the -bin.tar.bz2 package with the
correct compiler: x86-mingw4 == mingw 32bit, x64-mingw4 == mingw 64bit,
vc100 == msvc).

regards & sorry for the hassle,

> -- 
> --
> Regards,
> Anil Roy
> --
> Time is the quality of nature that keeps events
> from happening all at once. Lately it doesn't seem to be working.
> —Anonymous
> --
> *To an Engineer, the glass is twice as big as it needs to be.*
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