Emerge : error while install kdelib on windows with emerge python 33 no module info

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Jan 9 18:23:10 UTC 2013


1. Which branch of kde are you on? On master and kde-4.9, the version of jom 
is beyond 1.0.11. On kde-4.8, commit 6e5ced957dd8a20e07c2e1e719215d7721811bed 
may need to be cherry-picked (I cherry-picked that to kde-4.9, because 
ftp.qt.nokia.com was unresponsive). But probably you do not really mean to 
build kde-4.8, anyway?

On Wednesday 09 January 2013, Parchet Michaël wrote:
> my „ jom_1_0_11.zip » file in my download directory (T) is empty

2. So it's actually the download (fetch) that fails. Failing checksum is just 
a buggy way to tell you that. Move the empty jom_1_0_11.zip out of the way to 
retry downloading.

> So I have manuelly execute :
> R:\>python emerge\portage\dev-util\jom\jom-1011-20120313.py unpack (see
> attachement the result)

3. That's not intended usage. Try
   emerge --fetch jom
You'll still have to remove the empty failed download first, however.

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