[IMPORTANT] Change in branch handling in emerge

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at ruhr-uni-bochum.de
Wed Feb 13 17:12:33 UTC 2013

On Tuesday 12 February 2013, Patrick Spendrin wrote:
> well, it won't be magically, it would be nice if everybody tries to take
> care of that himself. I know that this might need a bit of time, but we
> do not need to hurry I hope. If you simply forget to merge your changes
> into one branch I will probably also just do that for you if it comes to
> my eyes.

Ok, thanks. I've tried documenting all this on 
http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/KDE_on_Windows/Development_Workflow . Please 
check for errors.
> I'll apply that to the oldest supported branch which still is kde-4.10

Is there a (formal or informal) policy on which branches are supported?

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