cmake v2.8.10.2 fails on windows xp service pack 3

Patrick von Reth patrick.vonreth at
Sat Apr 27 08:16:31 UTC 2013

Actually cmake v2.8.10.2 is a patched Version an should work, but it
was build with mingw and not tested on Windows xp.

I'm not sure if the patch is in emerge but you could try to
build "emerge cmake-pkg" and make sure the patch from 2.8.9 is applied.

Cheers Patrick

Sent from my Windows Phone From: Thomas Friedrichsmeier
Sent: ‎27.‎04.‎2013 09:34
To: DeveloperChris
Cc: KDE on Windows
Subject: Re: cmake v2.8.10.2 fails on windows xp service pack 3

On Saturday 27 April 2013 16:24:49 DeveloperChris wrote:
> On 27/04/2013 3:58 PM, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> > I installed cmake 2.8.11-rc1 (available via emerge, but not the default
> > target), which works on my WinXP.
> I can't find that. Its not in the current
> Just checked through the git log history and it was removed

oh, indeed, I remembered it wrong. Now I see, I had locally cherry-picked that
back in.

> Sadly when I try and build mpir (for kmymoney) it just hangs when I use long
> paths. I have not been able to resolve the issue so I need short paths.
> Nothing in the logs, even when logging set to 3

Not sure if this relates at all, but on my (virtual) machine, the kdelibs
build was going extremely slow. I found that if I set "EMERGE_MAKE_PROGRAM" to
mingw32-make instead of jom, it came back to speed. I wrote it off to some
obscure multi-core issue in virtualbox, but conceivably it had an entirely
different cause.

In either way, when the logs don't tell you anything: CD to the build
directory (assuming it has been created), and run mingw32-make, manually,
there. (I tried to document some debugging tricks I discovered by trial and
error, here:


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