Emerge issues - 2

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Wed Apr 17 07:22:46 UTC 2013

Am 17.04.2013 06:25, schrieb Chris:
> Ok Not so worrisome :)
> It appears that the original download of phonon was corrupted.

Exactly that was my idea ;-)

> The question if anyone can answer it please is how is the hash
> calculated, it's obviously not md5 or it is salted in some way?

sha1 maybe? I would need to look into the code again, but it must be one
of these, I don't think it is salted. There is another issue with these
hashes: most of the times, they are not produced at the origin of the
tarball (e.g. not directly from KDE) but rather downloaded, checked &
the hash is generated by emerge. If somebody touches the tarball, the
name might stay the same but hashes might still change.

> Regards
> Chris


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