Problems using emerge with TCC/LE
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Wed Nov 14 22:32:17 UTC 2012
thought I'd start another try at doing some KDevelop hacking on
windows and setup emerge today. I had some trouble doing so since I'm
not using cmd.exe as shell, I'm using TCC/LE from I was about to post
reviewboard requests before pushing anything anywhere but noticed that
there's no kde-win group, so I wasn't sure who to include these days.
Basically I had three problems:
1. %comspec% is not surrounded with quotes so if the command
interpreter is in a path with spaces, this fails to execute. Line 202
of kdeenv.bat
2. tcc/le does not handle %ProgramFiles(x86)% the same way as cmd.exe
does, in particular it generated c:\Program Files (x86)(x86) here
since %ProgramFiles% points to C:\Program Files (x86). This can also
be found in the JPSoft forums at
This is a problem in line 46 of kdeenv.bat where PROGRAM_FILES is set
up, the workaround of adding [] around the environment variable of
course does not work in cmd.exe so some kind of if would be required
there. Unfortunately my batch-file-foo is not strong enough to come up
with a good way of detecting TCC/LE based on the comspec-variable or
even by executing it.
3. This relates to WINDOWSSDKDIR, I didn't have the variable set in
kdesettings.bat which prompted kdeenv.bat to try to use C:\Program
Files (x86)\Microsoft Windows SDKs\7.0a\Bin\SetEnv.cmd. Unfortunately
that file does not exist since I have the 7.1 SDK installed and that
defaulted to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Windows SDKs\7.1\.
Hmm, writing down that last point I'm wondering wether I should maybe
switch to the 64bit version of TCC/LE to get %ProgramFiles% to
actually point to c:\Program Files, since I do have a 64bit Windows
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