Proposal: Enhanced file system navigation for KDE application under Windows
bm_witness at
Fri May 27 09:49:32 CEST 2011
----- Original Message ----
> From: Romain Pokrzywka <romain.pokrzywka at>
> On Thursday 26 May 2011 14:12:38 Fabian Aichele wrote:
> > I've experimented with a very basic implementation of an alternate Qt file
> > system engine under Windows that uses the file system access routines of
> > the Windows Shell instead of the "ordinary" file system manipulation
> > routines that are tailored to deal with "classic" files and folders
> > residing on physical media on the local machine.
> >
> > Essentially, this would enable applications using Qt to navigate the
> > complete content of the Explorer namespace, including "virtual folders"
> > like the system control panel, but also remote network shares, or basically
> > anything that uses ITEMIDLIST data structures to interact with Windows
> > Explorer.
> >
> > As of now, I've mastered the most basic task of actually navigating a
> > folder/container hierarchy starting from a given point within the Explorer
> > namespace, so I've verified combining Qt's file engine interface and the
> > Explorer namespace is possible.
> >
> > I'd like to ask for some feedback if this is a priority at all for KDE on
> > Windows (personally I definitely think it is, and should be), and if
> > there's interest in such a piece of software: How closely should I stick to
> > the layout that Windows Explorer itself imposes on the file system
> > hierarchy? Should I simply replicate it, or has anyone suggestions that I
> > haven't come up with yet?
> This can indeed be a nice feature to improve KDE support on windows, good work
> I'm not really familiar about 'Explorer style navigation', but I assumed that
>this basically what you see when you open
> a file explorer.
> My main question is: what type of limitations are you talking about when you
>write "How closely should I stick to the
> layout that Windows Explorer itself imposes on the file system hierarchy? ".
>Is it really different from the "C:
> \foo\bar" hierarchy we normally use ?
> Also, does that mean you can get access to things like Libraries on Windows
>Vista/7 ? That would indeed be a cool thing
> to have.
> Now regarding your implementation and where things should go, I'm a bit
>undecided. On one hand, since this seems to be
> an internal modification of Qt (ie. QFileEngine), I could see it being merged
>upstream into Qt directly, as it is not
> really related to KDE in particular. I'm not sure either if it's even possible
>to have it outside the Qt code (unless
> QFileEngine supports plugins, but it doesn't afaik). However I might just have
>misunderstood the implementation details,
> so don't hesitate to tell me if this isn't correct.
> Then, as far as the browsing is concerned, QDesktopServices has the
>storageLocation() method which maps well known
> places to paths. I haven't given it much thoughts yet, but maybe there's
>something do be done there too, for example
> adding new standard places. However if those can't be mapped to a real path on
>disk (like libraries), then this wouldn't
> be very helpful.
> All in all, I like the idea, I'm just not sure of how it is implemented and
>thus what can be done with it. Maybe you
> could show us an example ?
I quite agree. I would suggest that this may be a nice thing to add to Qt5,
which is doable. I'm going to be putting together a branch to add service/daemon
support natively into Qt5 - as opposed to having to install QtService component.
So, please join the qt5-feedback list (qt5-feedback at - and see what people
think. There may be a nice place to integrate it into already.
My one question is though - how would this work if Plasma were to replace
Explorer.exe as the desktop shell? From my understanding that removes a lot of
the interfaces provided by MS.
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