[emerge][installing] how to manage the "perl is not a valid win32 application" error??

Alberto Curro bertothunder at gmail.com
Mon Jun 6 18:43:21 CEST 2011

Hello everyone,

 after a long, long time without using or even trying kde on windows, now
I'm ready again to offer some help. My first step was, obviously, tried to
install the last distro. And I found this when trying to make an "emerge
qt". First time it fails after a quite long time with a message window
saying that "perl is not a valid win32 application", and after that the
emerge process crashed.

 I've googled a bit, with no luck, so maybe someone there in the list could
help me:

I did an --print-installed:

C:\kderoot>emerge --print-installed
emerge.bat executed
Category                 Package                  Version
--------                 -------                  -------
win32libs-bin            dbus                     1.4.1-2
win32libs-bin            expat                    2.0.1
win32libs-bin            openssl                  1.0.0b
testing                  mysql-pkg                5.1.56
dev-util                 7zip                     9.16
dev-util                 cmake                    2.8.4
dev-util                 git            
dev-util                 jom                      105-20110515
dev-util                 mingw-w32                20100605
dev-util                 mingw-w64                20100428
dev-util                 perl           
dev-util                 pexports                 0.44
dev-util                 putty                    0.60
dev-util                 subversion     
dev-util                 uactools                 20101219
virtual                  base                     0.2
virtual                  bin-base                 0.2
gnuwin32                 patch                    2.5.9-8
gnuwin32                 sed                      4.1.5
gnuwin32                 wget                     1.11.4

And tried again:

C:\kderoot>emerge qt
emerge.bat executed
emerge debug: buildAction: all
emerge debug: packageName: qt
emerge debug: buildType: RelWithDebInfo
emerge debug: buildTests: False

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