Fwd: Qt on WP

Andrius da Costa Ribas andriusmao at gmail.com
Fri Dec 16 18:31:14 UTC 2011

Just sharing a link from android-qt mailing list ;)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alistair Adams <adams.alistair at gmail.com>
Date: 2011/12/16
Subject: Qt on WP
To: android-qt at googlegroups.com

If you are a Qt mobile developer and want to put your Qt apps on as many
mobile OSs as possible, and Windows Phone is one of them, then there is an
opportunity to make your voice heard. Microsoft is running a survey where
people can vote on where they'd like Microsoft to focus their efforts with
Qt being one topic. If it is on interest, follow this link and make your
vote and if you want add a comment in support.


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