Thoughts on the KDE windows installer (was: Re: Principles on what KDE for Windows includes?)

Thomas Friedrichsmeier thomas.friedrichsmeier at
Tue Oct 12 18:46:27 CEST 2010

On Tuesday 12 October 2010, Thomas Friedrichsmeier wrote:
> 1b) [...]
> Rationale: If package X is available in, say,
> 4.4.4, but fails to compile in 4.4.5, then the only options are to either
> stick with 4.4.4, or not to have package X. But most of the time package
> X-4.4.4 would work just fine with kdelibs-4.4.5, so why shouldn't it be
> included in the release?

Half an hour after I've written this, I've run into this type of problem, 
again, while trying to talk a co-developer into getting RKWard to build on 
Windows: Package "automoc" is not in available in 4.4.4, but the latest 
available version of the package (4.3.2) works just fine (for me).

I suppose this can be fixed manually by whoever has the means to (please do!), 
but wouldn't it be possible to avoid this type of problem most of the time, 
simply by _not_ splitting up by release, by default?

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