Emerge kde-4.5

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Fri Nov 12 10:32:08 CET 2010

Am 12.11.2010 08:36, schrieb Gert Kello:
>> This looks like a regression. See
>> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=241125
>> -Michael
> Might it be that I'm not building the trunk but 4.5 branch?

The same applies for 4.5. Private headers shouldn't be used, this is why
they don't get installed by emerge, otherwise they would be public headers.
Of course people can use these headers in their apps, but then they
should include the headers in their own sources (which is no problem
here, since Qt is LGPL!). Which means in the end that the point to
complain is the author of this marble plugin, and not us.

> Gert

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