Patch for dbus-c++ win32 porting

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Tue May 18 10:00:42 CEST 2010

Mat schrieb:
> Hi All,
>   I use dbus-c++ library in my programs and found that it's great for
> c++ based projects.
>   I tried to port dbus-c++ to win32, and have some progress these days.
>   The libdbusc++ can now work on my winxp :-)
>   ( for some simple examples, not yet try some real program, like
> inkboard,...etc )
>   Patches are as attachment:
>     dbus-c++-src-commit.patch is for import into emerge dir.
+++ portage/win32libs-sources/dbus-cpp-src/
+        self.targets[ver]       = 
'' % ver

Is this source the same as from ?

Because this package is mingw only it should print a related hint and 
break on msvc

+++ portage/testing/pthreads-win32/
added to emerge

+++ portage/testing/pkg-config/   
added fixes to emerge

+++ portage/testing/glib/
added fixes to emerge

>     dbus-1.pc is for c:\kderoot\lib\pkgconfig\
this should also be in the patch
>     works_for_win32.patch is a patch for dbus-c++-src[1] source code
is this patch included in the above mentioned link ? It should not

If patches are not in the archive file it should be added to def 
setTargets( self ): by

            self.patchToApply[v] = ( 'xxxx.patch', <number of stripped 
leading components from file names> )

where v is the build target.

++ bin/    (working copy)
@@ -913,7 +913,7 @@
 def applyPatch(sourceDir, file, patchLevel='0'):
     """apply single patch"""
-    cmd = "patch -d %s -p%s < %s" % ( sourceDir, patchLevel, file )   
+    cmd = "patch -d %s -p%s --binary < %s" % ( sourceDir, patchLevel, 
file )   

for what is this good ?

>   Could you help to review these works and give me some advice to push
> the works go furthur?
I suggest to push the patches to the dbus-c++ project directly and to 
use a git source from the original because otherwise there is ongoing 
maintenance of the portage package required.


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