Compile poppler on windows

Joachim Langenbach joachim at
Wed Feb 24 16:18:46 CET 2010

Good afternoon,

I'm using your poppler binary in my own application and I'm very thankful
that you compiled it already on windows.

My problem is, that the actual poppler version of kde doesn't render all
needed pdf's, but the actual released poppler does. So I tried to compile
it on my own, but I didn't get it working.

My problem is, that no pages get rendered. I compiled it with jpeg and png
support. But what output engine should I use? Abiword isn't rendering,
Splash isn't compiling. Which one do you use?

Because I see many others struggling with compiling poppler on windows, it
would be great if someone can write a howto.

I'm thankful for any hints!

Joachim Langenbach

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