KDE Platform Profiles: BIC changes

Kevin Ottens ervin at kde.org
Mon Apr 26 10:52:18 CEST 2010


As some of you might be aware of, we're working on making different profiles 
for the KDE Platform, in particular to tackle the mobile case. For the long 
version with the details, the thread starts there:

Now I'm addressing you guys directly because we have one particular issue 
which is in a grey area. We try to retain binary compatibility as much as 
possible with our changes, but there's one type of change which would not 
break binary compatibility on our main target but would break it on Mac, and 
maybe on Windows (I'm getting mixed signals for this one).

Said change is: Moving a class lower in the depencency chain.

For now we found only one such case, namely KCrash could move from kdeui to 
kdecore. It's a particularly interesting one as kbuildsycoca would then depend 
on kdecore only, and for the mobile case some apps might not want to link on 

Also I wouldn't be surprised if we find more of such cases as we go.

Hence this mail, I'd need to know if we'd be fine breaking binary 
compatibility on those platforms in this case? It really depends on how big 
the installed base is for KDE/Mac and KDE/Windows and how strong our 
commitment on those targets is so far. Do we have any official "stable" 
release on it? etc.

Feedback is badly needed here so that we know if we can pursue this kind of 
changes or not. I really don't want to break the binary compatibility on you 
guys if that's not welcomed. This case would be a nice trade-off if that's 
only minor annoyance as that would benefit greatly to the platform in general 
(simplifying the internal dependencies).

Kévin Ottens, http://ervin.ipsquad.net

KDAB - proud patron of KDE, http://www.kdab.com
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