Junior Jobs

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Mon Nov 30 21:00:57 CET 2009

Hash: SHA1

Hi everybody,

if there is somebody on this list who wants to start a bit of work on
KDE, and especially on Windows, here is a small junior job that needs to
be done until KDE 4.4:

In kdegames and kdeedu some new applications have been added:
These are cantor and rocs in kdeedu and palapeli, granatier and kigo in
kdegames. These all require an application icon which is the icon that
is shown in the Windows Explorer and the application menu.

To get a new icon into an application you need to follow these steps:
1) Find out where the icon of the application is by searching in the
sources (often they are somewhere within the application sources in a
data/ or images/ subdirectory) or by asking on IRC/mailing lists. The
icon names are of the form hiXX-app-APPLICATIONNAME.png.

2) Get the module compiling; This is basically a pre-requisite you
should start with. Required is a build of the svn trunk version of the
two modules.

3) If you have done points 1) and 2) you need to find the CMakeLists.txt
file where the application is build, as an example, for granatier this
is kdegames/granatier/src/CMakeLists.txt

Above the line where kde4_add_executable(granatier ${granatier_SRCS}) is
called you have to add a line containing
"${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/hi*-app-granatier.png"). The string part
contains the path to the icon images you have found in step 1), use
${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR} to replace the path to the CMakeLists.txt
file. The asterisk is replaced by kde4_add_app_icon with the size of the
images (one of 16, 32, 48, 64, 128, 256).

If you can build the executables then and they do contain application
icons, make an svn patch and append it either to the bug report, send it
to the kde-windows list or the specific list of the application.

Some documentation you might need:
The cmake documentation:

The kde4macros.cmake file which defines kde4_add_app_icons:

What to do next:
After you have fixed some of the bugs, it might also be interesting in
trying out one of the applications. Most of them contain some minor
errors you can try to track down. Most application developers can help
you with that, it also makes sense to search for yourself a bit in the
In case of other questions, you can also ask on this list of course.


p.s.: I will add some junior job bug reports in an hour or so.
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