Gstreamer/phonon on Windows

Pau Garcia i Quiles pgquiles at
Mon Nov 30 14:24:17 CET 2009

>> You could also compile Qt on Windows to use the GLib loop, as it does
>> on Unix. That's the approach I took when I did my own port of
>> Phonon-GStreamer to Windows back in April or so. I talked about that
>> with someone from Trolltech (Jens Bache? can't remember) at aKademy
>> 2009 but forgot to send him the patch :-/
> Wouldn't that be overkill just for gstreamer?
> Furthermore, leaving the gstreamer patches inside phonon would normally
> allow a KDE svn compiled phonon to work on a stock Qt binary setup as well
> (which honestly is my primary goal).

If "stock Qt binary setup" means the Qt binaries you can download from
Trolltech, you are wrong. KDE on Windows requires DBUS, which is not
available in the stock Qt binaries. You need to use the KDE on Windows

Furthermore, there used to be some applications in KDE which used GLib
libraries and if you wanted the features provided by those libraries,
you needed Qt to be built with the GLib loop because they were not
running they glib loop in a different thread, or querying it. IIRC
Amarok used to need the glib event loop for the MTP library.

Pau Garcia i Quiles
(Due to my workload, I may need 10 days to answer)

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