Using msvc solution files

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Wed Nov 11 01:35:09 CET 2009

Peter Kümmel schrieb:
> I've found the option 'useIDE' in which configures cmake
> to generate Visual Studio solution files. What's the official way
> to set useIDE to true without touching

emerge --fetch emerge (or in emerge root "svn update emerge\bin" )

then run

set EMERGE_OPTION=cmake.useIDE=1
> It seems this is not fully suppoted, or I'm wrong?
this feature is in experimental state - i use it for ide compile and 
debug support. The ide is openend in the emerge make action.
> I prefer this generators because then it is possible to build at
> least projects in parallel using msvc. (vcbuild with the option /M)
> It is also possible to use the IDE when something went from while compiling.
> And not to forget: debugging becames simpler with the IDE ;)
> What is the current workflow to get VC projects files?
> Attached my hardcoded solution handling. On problem is that the name of
> the solution, defined by cmake (for instance 'project(Automoc4)') must
> match the internal emerge name self.subinfo.options.make.slnBaseName
> or self.package, maybe someone could help me there.
> Currently it breaks because there is no automoc.sln but automoc4.sln or
> no qimageblitz.sln but only blitz.sln.
normaly self.package (generated from the emerge script file name) 
matches the project name in the CMakeLists.txt. If not  
self.subinfo.options.make.slnBaseName could be used in the package 
emerge script.
Thanks for this contribution - we only have to find a way to merge the 
recent feature (openening the ide in make action) and your approach.


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