KDE 4.2.2 on Windows XP: can't save anything

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Mon May 4 15:18:41 CEST 2009

Keks Dose schrieb:
> Dear all,
> I installed KDE 4.2.2 today under Windows XP and can not save any document, neither with kile nor using kate. Every time I try, immediately I get the message that kile / kate encountered a problem and will close. Same with kwrite. 
> Can I do something to make it work? You know, it would be great to use kile under Windows,
There is a similar bug in umbrello - Does umbrello have the same problem 
? If yes and if you have version 0.3.9 of the kdewin32 package installed 
it might help to downgrade kdewin32 package to 0.3.8


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