Kickoff regression bug for KDE 4.2.2

BRM bm_witness at
Fri May 1 14:54:57 CEST 2009

Not sure if it's what your seeing or not - but I've had trouble with 'autohide' not working properly - it hides, but no way to get it back. (I also autohide the Windows Taskbar. I tried moving the Windows Taskbar to another part of the screen (even a different monitor) and it still didn't bring back the menu.) I've always had to go and edit the config file to disable autohide to get it back - or uninstall/reinstall I think...

Also on WinXP SP3.



From: Lucas Schatz <lucasschatz at>
To: kde-windows at
Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2009 7:22:46 PM
Subject: Kickoff regression bug for KDE 4.2.2

Recently I've instaled KDE 4.2.0 in my notebook, with Windows XP, it worked with the limits of an Alpha software, but Ok...
on the release of KDE 4.2.1 and KDE 4.2.2, the Kickoff menu
disappeared, even at the applets menu it appears, and othes applets
disapeared to. how could I revert this? I reinstaled KDE 4.2.0 and
Kickoff reapeared... somebody could help me?
it`s a common problem to most people?
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